Used Excavators


Friday, May 30, 2008

One True Life Story Of A Russian Gold-Digger

My wife went to her ESL class in America one day. Her teacher introduced her to another young woman from Belarus. We shall call her Valentina, which is not her real name.

Her real name has been changed to protect the not so innocent. She spoke no English.

Valentina told this long story about being brought to America by a man who was thirty years older than her. She said that he refused to feed her and take care of her. She said she ran away from him and was staying at the home of another Russian family.

She had exceeded the three months allowed by the fiancé visa, without marrying the man who brought her here. She was now in America illegally.

My wife invited her to dinner. She invited a friend of mine to dinner as well, who is an attorney, hoping that he could give her some advice.

Valentina asked my wife if she cooked for me every day. My wife said yes. Valentina explained to her in Russian that she would not be bothered with any of that.

Valentina asked my wife if I had a maid. My wife explained that she did the cleaning. Again Valentina turned her nose up at the idea of household chores.

Valentina didn’t eat much at dinner, but she drank nearly a bottle of wine by herself. The wine loosened her lips.

Valentina explained that the man who brought her to America had mental problems. She said he ‘acted like a bird, flapping his arms like wings, as he danced around his car.’

Valentina said she knew of his mental problems before she came to America, but she came anyway.

She said she didn’t know if she would have another chance to get to America otherwise. My friend, the attorney, tried to offer her legal help. He offered her a job cleaning his house if she needed some extra money.

Valentina explained to my wife, in Russian, in no uncertain terms, that she would rather earn money in a different way, rather than housework.

She asked how my wife could stand being around ‘these fat old men,” referring to my friend and I.

My wife got more and more angry with Valentina as the evening wore on. She cut off all relationship with her after that evening.

We heard through the grapevine that Valentina was on her way to Los Angeles to get her visa problems taken care of. She was probably now in the hands of the Russian Mafia – people she could understand because they thought just like her.

John has been married to a Russian women for over five years. He has travelled the path from finding her, to traveling to Russia, to bring his wife to America, and adjusting to married life. He will show you step by step how to do this yourself.

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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Gold Digger Single Women Who Manipulate Men

This week I want to talk about single women who will use you and manipulate you on a first date. I call them gold-diggers. They are not interested in you, just what they can get out of you.

I want give you advice about these types of single women concerning a first date. Let's just say you've met this really gorgeous and beautiful woman and you're trying to set up a date to do something. She insists on going to the most expensive restaurant in town. Should you go along with her? Absolutely not if you can not afford it. And absolutely not for a first date and I'll tell you why: What if you blow $50-100 of your hard-earned money on her and the date doesn't work out? You might as well have flushed that money down the toilet.

Another point is that you must not give in to her wishes on going to the most expensive restaurant in town. Stand your ground and don't allow her to manipulate you. Don't let her use you for a free expensive meal that you can not afford.

If you really can't afford to go to a high-class expensive restaurant, don't let her know it. Just suggest a restaurant that is not as expensive. When she questions your choice of restaurant, just say that it is where you prefer to go and they have great food and a nice atmosphere.

I might add, if you happen to be rich, then I guess it doesn't matter if a woman insists on going to a real expensive restaurant. You've got money to burn, so if you are used then maybe it is no big deal. Personally, I like a woman to like me for who I am and not because I have a lot of money.

Also, I'm not suggesting every woman that wants to go to a real expensive restaurant is a gold-digger that just want to use you. I just want you to be aware that there are women out there that use men and a red flag should go up in your mind when a woman suggest a very expensive restaurant for a first date.

This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and become intimate with women, please visit his website at:


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Sunday, May 25, 2008

Laser Digger to Build Underground Lunar Colonies

When we build a lunar colonies on the moon we are going to need to build them underground to protect those in the colony and our astronauts from solar and space radiation. Unfortunately it is rather hard to dig and that requires some pretty robust equipment. And we know it costs a lot of money to deliver heavy-duty equipment to the moon because it of its weight. However if we can make light-weight materials to create a digging machine which uses a laser to dig then perhaps we can build a lunar colony underground fairly rapidly. How so you ask?

I propose that we make a small laser enabled digging machine. Once the laser cuts through the dirt a conveyor belt or industrial vacuum will remove the debris and the laser will then use its power to molecularly realign the molecules in the sides of the tunnel so it will not collapse. Living underground in lunar colonies makes the most sense. Since the moon does not have enough gravity to maintain an atmosphere to protect people from the solar and space radiation.

A laser digger to build underground lunar colonies therefore makes sense. If we are to live on the moon we will need to be careful to build our colonies with lightweight materials and that means we may not be able to bring all of the habitats building material from Earth. If we use an underground lunar colony we can't use the walls of the tunnel for the walls of our colony. Please consider this a 2006.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance in the Online Think Tank and solve the problems of the World;

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The Valley of Sorrow or 'My Life as a Well Digger'

It felt like I had been run over by a freight train. I was stunned. I was in shock. I was crying hysterically. But it was really just a phone call. My dad called and said he had to talk to my husband Jerry. I knew it was bad because Jerry hates to talk on the phone so no one ever asks for Jerry unless something bad is going on. I knew some elderly family members and friends were sick, so I thought one had died. I was right someone had died. But it was not an elderly person or even a sick person. It was my sister April. She was 33, a college graduate, a non drinker, non smoker, no drugs - nothing - just a little over weight. She had been getting ready for a Sunday School party and simply dropped dead. It was probably a heart attack. And that was when the shadow of death passed over my life like a freight train. Suddenly, from the middle of bright sun shiny Good Friday, I was in the valley of Baca. At some time or another I had heard a sermon based on a verse from Psalms 84:6 on the subject of "when passing through the valley of Baca (sorrow) dig a well. I had suddenly become a "well digger".

The well I dug was really just "digging into God's word" and learning to believe His promises. I learned that God was with me because somehow He gave me the strength to read His word. Somehow He gave me strength to get up every morning and go through the day. He gave me strength to live each day. He gave me strength to begin to look toward the future.

The first thing He showed me when I was looking toward the future was our eternal future. I "saw" heaven. I saw a very real place filled with very real people doing very real and wonderful things. I saw peace and joy. I saw love and excitement. I saw beauty without ugliness, pure love without any animosity. It was wonderful.

Then from that vantage point I began to consider the immediate future and try to live each day as it came. Gradually it became more normal. There will always be an empty place in my life here on this earth because my sister's existence here is missed. Nothing could fill her place. But I know she is in heaven doing just fine. The Bible tells us. 1 Corinthians 2:9 "But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." April is in a place that is just too wonderful for us to even imagine. Knowing where she is does not fill the empty place she left here, but it does give great comfort that she really is ok.

So - I miss her - but I am not without hope. On the firm foundation of God's promise - I will see her again and there will be no parting anymore. All this I learned from digging through the wonderful written message God gave us. The Bible became more real to me than ever before. It is a well of comfort and joy beyond anything we can imagine. Really the well is already dug. It is the Bible. We just have to dig through the verses to find what we need at the moment.

My father in law recently died of cancer. He was the earthly patriarch of my husband's family. He was (and still is) loved deeply. His illness was hurtful to everyone because we didn't want to see him suffer and grow weaker. We didn't want him to leave this earth. We wanted all of us to abide in good health until the return of the Lord. But in leaving us here - we KNOW he went to the same place in which my sister now resides. I think they are laughing about the time April fell of my daughter's horse and rolled right up to my father in law's front door - and dented the screen door. The Bible says "we shall know as we are known" (I Cor. 13:12). We know the apostles knew Moses and Elijah at the transfiguration - even though they had never met them before. We will not only know our friends and loved ones - but others also!

Before my father in law's death I had already come to terms with how wonderful heaven will be. My real sorrow is for the family who was left without him. Without his corny jokes and his onery way. Without his steady faithfulness in the daily things of life. For his wife of 64 years who was left alone and lost without him. But I have hope for the future. That future is more real than the here and now.

The very thought of the reunion in heaven becomes more and more precious with the passing of each loved one. It also becomes more real each time. Sometimes I begin to wonder how thin the veil between heaven and earth really is.

I don't know what you personally may be facing right now. No one knows what he or she may have to face in the future. But I do know the One who will be there to face it with you. I know He will not leave you nor forsake you.

Of course there are many sorrows in life that don't involve a death but are still very painful. The way through any sorrow or trial is still the same. First you look to Jesus - the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). Second you focus on the promises he has given you in the book he has provided for us. The Bible is chocked full of promises. I don't know what promise you will find the most helpful. That is why you must study the Word for yourself. There will be a verse that jumps from the page into your mind and brings you comfort as though it had been directly spoken to you and written thousands of years before just for you to read today. Third, you keep at it. Keep reading. Keep studying. Keep praying. Second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, keep going.

I like to end an article by mentioning an old hymn that seems relevant to the subject if the article. I usually have a hard time deciding on the hymn because there are so many wonderful hymns. But this time it was easy. The hymn for the day is "Whispering Hope". "Whispering Hope - Oh how welcome thy voice." That relates so well to the still small voice that speaks - but it can be heard more easily than thunder by the child of God who is listening.

God Bless YOU!! - Love Barbara


Soft as the voice of an angel,
Breathing a lesson unheard,
Hope with a gentle persuasion
Whispers her comforting word:
Wait till the darkness is over,
Wait till the tempest is done,
Hope for the sunshine tomorrow,
After the shower is gone.
Whispering hope, oh how welcome thy voice,
Making my heart in its sorrow rejoice.
If, in the dusk of the twilight,
Dim be the region afar,
Will not the deepening darkness
Brighten the glimmering star?
Then when the night is upon us,
Why should the heart sink away?
When the dark midnight is over,
Watch for the breaking of day.
Hope, as an anchor so steadfast,
Rends the dark veil for the soul,
Whither the Master has entered,
Robbing the grave of its goal.
Come then, O come, glad fruition,
Come to my sad weary heart;
Come, O Thou blest hope of glory,
Never, O never depart.

Words & Music: Septimus Winner, 1868 (MIDI, score). Hymnals often list the author as Alice Hawthorne, one of Winner’s several pseudonyms.

Barbara Henderson
Christian writer, wife, mother, grandmother, artist

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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Choose Highly-Versatile Model Of Mini Excavator For Better Performance

A compact excavator is a wheeled or tracked vehicle with a backfill cutting edge and dangle boom. It is also known as mini excavator. Mini excavators have become one of the most accepted pieces of equipment on job sites. Compact mini excavators have become increasingly trendy when functioning in metropolitan areas where space is limited and larger pieces of equipment can’t get into the confined quarter.

The compact hydraulic mini excavator is a bit private from other construction equipment in that all movement and functions of the machine are gifted through the relocate of hydraulic fluid. Compact mini excavator consists of the boom, dipper or arm, and attachment.

Mini excavator is used for improve serviceability and reduce maintenance costs. Mini excavator boosted hydraulic power by raising system-operating pressure to 5,080 psi. The task performed by mini excavators includes truck loading, setting pipe, precision excavating and trenching.

Mini-excavators provide several advantages for contractors and homeowners
• Quality ergonomic controls for easy operation
• Quality a quick-coupler attachment for rapid substitute of any dipper-mounted attachment
• Maintenance costs for mini excavators are the lowest of all comparably-sized equipment

Convenient and compact mini excavator is ideal for a wide variety of landscaping and agricultural work. Its main Features are backfill bucket and digging depth of 8 1/2ft. Mini excavators is mechanically secures the drive controls of all excavators in opposite directions to avoid theft and illegal use of your equipment.

Mini excavators range from under two tons to over six tons if minimizing spoil to landscaping is important to your business; lighter machines provide a nice benefit.

for more information about mini excavators please contact to the site

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